The Boondock Witches Blog

This is a blog i have constructed for my personal organizational use, one that i will record my journeys through my Craft and journey of paganism.

I desired to do a Blog of this so people such as you who are reading this, could seek aid off of it, to inspire anyone at any age to reference. I hope that your stumbling on my Blog proves fruitful in your everyday living as a witch or a curious spectator!

In My Blog: In my blog i hope to record findings, new traditions i apply to my life, Crafts and art that are Pagan-related or just darn dandy. Spell experiences, view points on pagan news and pagan community issues. Musings on everyday witchcraft and living a middle class life filled with wonders of the old and applications of the new. Resources , witchy literature,Inspiring photographs i find that make me creative. Music,poetry,rituals,baking and other fun and fantastic stuff. So come and join me.

Segments. Already you experienced 3 segments i will incorporate in my extensive blog. iWitch ;a review of podcasts of note,something random; Its something...Random,Witch Lit;A review of books to check out and/or websites to read. WitchCrafty;Crafts,Art,Inspiration or D.I.Y alter tools... 

any other segments are indicated by being in double brackets. (( -Blah- ))

Feel free to offer opinions,articles to feature,topics you want to hear, musings,questions and what not contact me by e-mail or comment! i want you to be involved as well you have a voice...lets hear what you have to say!

Stay Crafty,